
hvordan man får venner, hvis man taler et andet sprog?

Jeg vil gerne få venner fra Danmark,

men jeg taler ikke godt dansk

Dreng, 14 år
Svar fra andre


Hej, maybe it will help if i write in English so it’s more understandable:) I’m Danish, but I have tried to live abroad before so I know it is not easy. So my entire live I have lived in Denmark and I am Danish, but when I was 7 years old my parents decided that we should try living in Greenland for the experience. I could not speak a word Greenlandic, but luckily most people in Greenland can speak Danish. But that didn’t change the fact that I was different. My advice so that you don’t make the same mistake as me would be try to smile, be happy, extroverted and friendly. I was very introverted, quiet and people probably thought I was mean but in reality I was just shy and insecure. I’m happily in Denmark again, but it was definitely a lesson that I learned while living abroad. Try to find friends that are willing to speak English and can help you with Danish. You can also get Danish lessons. Danish is not a easy language but we Dane’s appreciate when people try to learn it:)

  • Anonym, Pige, 15 år

Hey boy
I’m 12 years Old so i try my best english:)
In my class we were getting a new boy. He comes from Ukraine. But he was just so antisocial and very shy. And he had a lot of problems to get freinds. But Then he startet Being more social, and it worked! So i Think step a little out of you comfort zone, and try to be more social and interested in others:) i Think that will work. He opened up to the rest of us og we opened back, and now are we Good freinds:) and he is sweet and kind, and you are also;)
Hope it Will help a little bit, and SORRY Again for my “BAD” english.
Bye and Good luck;)

  • Helper, Pige, 12 år

I understand it can be quite challenging getting new friends when you are not so good with the language, I lived in Spain for a couple months where I met some of my best friends don’t even speak English.
Fortunatly in Denmark we are so lucky that a lot of people know english.
My suggestion would be that you try out some sports or communities, there you will meet a lot of new potential friends, be open-minded and be interested and that is how you will meet new friends!
Good luck

  • Anonym, Dreng, 20 år

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