
My Mom does not ”Understand’ Genderfluid or Me

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I think you’re to young to know it. Maybe you should wait a little time to see.
Maybe you should think back on what there started it? Why did you even think you’re was trans? Many people (mostly girls) think there’s something wrong with them.
I think, If you’re sure you are genderfluid, you mom will understand it just give it time. That’s also new for her. And I think your mom think you’re to young to know it.

  • Maja, Pige, 13 år

i know how hard it can be for parents to accept that their child has some feeling that they simply dont understand and i know how easy it is for them to just blame it on hormones and just call it “a phase”
i would totally recommend to get another adult to speak with your mom about this as she propoply would listen to them a bit more then she listents to you.
maeby try talking with your teacher about it or a freinds parent.
maeby you could try wrighting a letter to a proffesional on here and show the respond to your mom?

i hope you figure something out <3

  • iben, Pige, 13 år

You are vers valid and so are your emotions and your gender people figure out their gender sexualitet and more at diffrent Ages i am 15 now but i found out that i was a lesbian at around 12 Being genderfluid is completly valid and i hope that your Will accept you and your beautiful self

  • Max, Ikke binær, 15 år

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